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AI in music | Top 5 AI music production software

Team Soundbrenner, in Uncategorized
Aug 04, 2023 | 5 min read

How about a little trip into the mesmerizing world of artificial intelligence? But not just any AI – we’re talking about AI music production! This tech marvel is ready to shake up your studio, and if that makes your heart skip a beat, then let’s get this party started!

What’s AI music production?

To put it in a nutshell, AI in music production is your invisible, tireless, and super-creative band member. 

Now, imagine if this band member could play every instrument, sing every genre, and churn out unique melodies faster than you could say “Einstein on the Violin”. It’s like having an algorithmic John Lennon or virtual Beyoncé in your garage band. 

Exciting, isn’t it?

AI in music production is more than a mere tool—it’s an extension of your musical mind. It can help you compose intricate harmonies, create distinctive sounds, finetune the rhythm, and even review your music. 

How’s that for a virtual sidekick?

Getting the beat right with Soundbrenner

People wearing Soundbrenner metronomes

Now that we’ve tuned you into AI’s fascinating role in music, let’s give a shout-out to ourselves and our unique line of wearables that make the perfect companion for all musicians. 

And guess what? 

It works perfectly with AI software to make sure you’re always on beat. Now, if that doesn’t have you ready to strike a chord, we don’t know what will!

Top of the pops: 5 Best AI music production software

It’s time to roll out the red carpet for our star-studded lineup. Here are the five superstars of AI music production that are ready to orchestrate your rise to fame!

1. AIVA: Your personal Mozart

AIVA AI music production software webpage

First up is AIVA, an AI composer that can create unique, copyright-free music for your compositions. It uses deep learning to generate music, offering a variety of genres. AIVA is like the Ludwig van Beethoven of AI music creation, minus the 18th-century attire, of course!

2. Orb producer suite 3

Orb Producer Suite 3

Up next is Orb producer suite 3, an AI tool for those wanting to unleash their inner Beethoven. This AI music production software suite can assist in composing everything from melodies to chords to basslines. It’s like having an orchestra at your fingertips, with a conductor that never gets tired. 

Now you can say “Orb-chestra”!

3. MuseNet

MuseNet AI music production software

MuseNet comes to us from the tech wizards at OpenAI. This AI not only generates music but it does so across a variety of genres and styles. From Mozart to Lady Gaga, from Bach to the Beatles, MuseNet can do it all. 

Who knew AI could have such great taste in music?

4. Landr

Landr AI music production software

Landr is next on our list, and it’s here to make your tracks sound professionally mixed and mastered. It takes your raw recordings and transforms them into polished masterpieces. With Landr, you’re just one click away from turning your garage recordings into a top-of-the-charts sensation. 

And you thought AI couldn’t get any cooler!

5. Magenta studio

Magenta studio AI music production software

Last but not least, there’s Google’s Magenta Studio. This prodigy of AI music production combines tech prowess with creative genius. Its ability to create, modify, and experiment with music makes it a one-stop solution for all your AI-driven music adventures.

In conclusion

These brilliant software platforms are not just tools, but partners in your musical journey. They’re here to help you explore, experiment, and express yourself. 

Whether it’s a plucked guitar string, a pressed piano key, or a programmed AI algorithm, the magic lies in the melodies you create. 

You’re not just making music, you’re shaping the future. Keep those notes flowing, and keep pushing the boundaries of creativity!

Thanks for reading our article on “AI in music | Top 5 AI music production software.” We at Soundbrenner are dedicated to helping musicians stay focused on what truly matters: their music. By creating innovative devices, such as Soundbrenner Pulse and Core, our goal is to deliver the best practice experience for musicians. Click here to find out more.

Got a question about Soundbrenner wearables? Reach out to us at [email protected], we’re happy to help!

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