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A brief history of music: Happy world music day!

Frederik Nielsen, in Uncategorized
Jun 19, 2023 | 3 min read

Enter the Music Time Machine! On this glorious World Music Day, let’s get our time-travel helmets on and take a nostalgic ride through the resounding history of music. 

We’ll take a quick look at:

  • Prehistoric: Cavemen’s rockin’ rhythm
  • Classical: Mozart, Bach, and Beethoven’s power trio
  • Jazz: The rebellious teen, breaking all rules
  • Rock ‘n’ Roll: Turning it up to 11
  • Modern Era: A smorgasbord of sounds to savour

Join us on this ride through the history of music at break-neck speed.

Prehistoric pre-tunes

First stop, way back in time! I’m talking before ‘Backstreet Boys’ or ‘The Beatles,’ even before Beethoven. 

This was when humans first realized that banging rocks could sound pretty rad. 

Prehistoric Music is our earliest known form of tunes, with the oldest instrument, a flute made from a vulture’s wing bone, dating back to 35,000 years ago. 

Cavemen with flutes, who would’ve thought?

The classic classics

Next, let’s fast-forward to the classic era of Classical Music

Picture a fancy wig, a huge crowd, and a booming orchestra – yes, we’re talking about the likes of Mozart, Bach, and Beethoven! 

These dudes knew how to throw a party with a symphony, inventing and refining music genres we still rock today.

The jazz jamboree

And just when you thought the music scene was getting a little predictable, in came the foot-tapping, hip-swaying Jazz

This sensational music style boogied its way from the African-American communities of New Orleans in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. 

It was like a rebellious teen of the music world, breaking all the classical rules and making people move as they’d just discovered dancing. Thank you, Jazz!

The rock ‘n’ roll revolution

From the humble blues and gospel beginnings, there erupted a genre that transformed music forever – Rock ‘n’ Roll

In the mid-1950s, artists like Elvis Presley and Chuck Berry were all like, “Hey, let’s take this music thing and turn it up to 11!”. And thus, a whole new wave of music began, and man, we’ve been headbanging since!

Pop culture powerhouse

And here we are now, in the era where anything goes! Music genres have exploded, giving us an awe-inspiring variety of tunes to jam to. 

We’ve got pop, hip-hop, reggae, country, techno, punk, EDM, and the list goes on. Each genre has its own unique charm and style, providing the soundtrack to our lives.

Let’s crank up the volume

Music is the universal language that we all speak. It’s the beat of our hearts, the rhythm of our lives, and the melody of our souls. 

So, on this World Music Day, let’s crank up the volume and celebrate the power of music!

And, remember, you don’t need a time machine to take a trip through the history of music. Just a killer playlist, a good pair of headphones, and an adventurous spirit! 

Now, go forth and rock on! 

Happy World Music Day, folks!

Thanks for reading our article on the history of music! We at Soundbrenner are dedicated to helping musicians stay focused on what truly matters: their music. By creating innovative devices, such as Soundbrenner Pulse and Core, our goal is to deliver the best possible practice experience for musicians. Click here to find out more.

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