10 creative ways to incorporate music into our daily lives

Discover the 10 best ways of incorporating music in our daily lives and use it to make our everyday routine more enjoyable and rhythmic,

10 creative ways to incorporate music into our daily lives

We all know the usual ways to incorporate music into our daily lives, but today, we’re sharing ten truly creative and unique ideas. 

Let's make our everyday music more exciting!

1. Songwriting challenges

Start a songwriting challenge with your friends or social media followers. Pick a theme and challenge each other to write a song or verse about it. 

Share your creations and see how different minds interpret the same theme! This activity not only promotes creativity but also helps in improving your songwriting skills. It is the perfect way of adding music to our daily lives as we hang out with our friends and family on a daily basis.

2. Musical DIY projects

musical DIY projects

Create your own musical instruments using household items. A water bottle maraca, a cereal box guitar, or even a homemade drum set! There are endless possibilities to get creative and musical. 

This is also a great activity for kids to learn about music and recycling at the same time. It allows the addition of music in our daily lives while keeping the essence of learning alive.

3. Lyrics scavenger hunt

Create a scavenger hunt using song lyrics as clues. Participants will have to guess the song and artist to find the next clue and, ultimately, the treasure! 

This is a fun and interactive way to test your and your friends' knowledge about different songs and artists, and an exciting way of adding music to our daily lives.

4. Musical plant care

music for plants

Did you know that plants respond positively to music

Play music for your plants and observe the changes. It’s a win-win situation: your plants thrive, and you have a reason to play music all day! 

This is also a great experiment to teach kids about plant growth and the effects of sound on living organisms.

5. Singing messages 

Instead of sending regular text messages, try sending voice notes of you singing the messages, adding a hint of music to our daily lives. 

It will bring a smile to the receiver’s face and make communication more fun! And it's a fun way to practice your singing skills.

6. Soundtrack your day

painting with music in our daily lives

Create a soundtrack for your day with songs that match your activities and mood. Share it with friends and compare soundtracks to see how different or similar your days are! 

This activity will make you more mindful of your daily activities and how music influences your mood.

7. Music and drawing

Listen to a song and draw whatever it inspires in you. It could be an abstract drawing, a portrait, or even a comic strip! This activity helps in improving your listening skills and allows you to express your feelings through art. It also promotes the incorporation of music into our daily lives.

8. Music and cooking

cooking with music in our daily lives

This one is not just about dancing while cooking. Try to create a recipe inspired by a song or an artist. 

For example, a "Strawberry Fields Forever" salad or a "Rolling in the Deep" fried chicken. 

This activity will make cooking more fun and creative.

9. Desk drumming

drumming with metronome

Turn your desk into a drum set using pencils, notebooks, and other stationery items. 

The Soundbrenner Pulse, a wearable metronome, can help you keep the rhythm while you drum away! 

This activity will help you take a break from work and release some stress.

10. Music-themed parties

Host music-themed parties. For example, a '70s disco party, a musical karaoke night, or a '90s grunge party. Encourage your guests to dress up and bring their favorite songs from that era. This activity will make your parties more fun and memorable.


Music in our daily lives can be more than just background noise. From songwriting challenges to musical DIY projects, there are plenty of unique and creative ways to incorporate music into your daily routine. 

What are some other ways you add music to your day? Let us know in the comments below, and don’t forget to check out the Soundbrenner Core 2 to help keep your rhythm during your desk drumming sessions.


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